Thursday, April 3, 2008


Weeds/Disease/Insect Case Studies from Trautman Family Farm


1st years:

- Plenty of them

- low fertility weeds such as dandelion

- lots of Canadian thistle

- Foxtail in my new ground


- Not very many at all

- High fertility weeds such as lambsquarters

- Conditions/mistakes weeds

Control methods:

- haying/mowing

- hand pulled a whole bunch of Canadian thistle while wet

- stuck some bull thistle/burdock

- cover crops/good fieldwork timing

- most important of all: investment in fertility program

Crop Diseases:

- None really to report;

- Luck?

- Fertility program

- Diversity

- Not compounding stress factors such as dry/hot conditions

Crop Insects

- Generally been pretty few issues

- As usual, more issues on land early in the fertility program

- Crop insects generally are weather stress related or very common in a year

- Noticed some clover leaf yellowing; maybe 10% of crop



- Some leafhoppers

- Some aphids

- Some grasshoppers

- Usually in hot/dry times

- One crop in one field aphids were a significant issue; had as much to do with late cutting as anything

Corn/other non-hay crops

- Lime green ladybug like things with black stripe: Noticed them in a corner of a sorghum sudan field; within a week, gone

- Some rootworm damage in corn (with so much GMO….)

- Some very bad earworm damage in late planted sweet-corn (also GMO related I think)

- No rusts or other funguses

- I generally do not expect significant problems

- A good rotation really helps against disease/pests; breaks the cycles

Animal Diseases

- General health has improved every year; currently excellent

- General farm infestation of ringworm

o Pretty harmless; looks like crap

o A very good window into immune systems:

§ Some never get it, though surely exposed (excellent immune systems)

§ Some get it, but recover within 30 days (excellent)

§ A very few get it bad, and it stays quite awhile (poor immunity; watch closely, expect poorer performance)

- Tendency towards pink-eye

o Management issue!!!

§ Lack of discipline

· Fly control

· Keeping cattle in kelp

o Necessity of bringing “unknown” animals to the farm

- Dis-ease is an anomaly

o We take responsibility and ask ourselves:

§ What stresses have we put our animals under?

· Controllable/uncontrollable; most controllable

§ Never assume “these things happen”; disease is failure

§ We get one stress factor at a time. Any more and we are begging for a disease problem

- Treatments for sick animals

o Few that we have used as intensively as they need to be to effect cures quickly

o Some animals treated with antibiotics, so made “not organic”

o With dairy, we will need to be more diligent

o React more quickly; drag our feet and create bigger problems

o Profound differences in reactions to organic medicines/general recovery from disease from animals from good organic farms vs. bad organic or any conventional farms

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Trautman Family Farm Fertility Management 2003-7

Trautman Family Farm Fertility Management Case Study 2003-2007

2003 – First year of management.


- Prior year was soybeans, some nitrogen credit

- 1500lbs/acre of hi calcium lime

- 1500lbs/acre of gypsum

- 200lbs/acre of organic fertilizer w/micros


- Seeded pasture; half direct seed, half with oats nurse crop

- Lots of weeds, mowed back down, made quite a bit of hay

- Not a lot of grazing, not enough animals; 4 finishers, 16 young stock, 100 chickens


- Dandelions

- Canadian Thistle

- Cocklebur (burdock)

2004 – First year with reasonable animal pressure


- 1000lbs/acre hi calcium lime

- 1000lbs/acre gypsum

- 200lbs/acre of organic fertilizer w/micros

- a dab of compost here and there

- some credit from grazing animals


- Grazed a fair amount (pasture): 16 finishers, 33 young stock, 300 chickens

- Made quite a bit of hay


- Canadian Thistle

- Lambsquarter (high fertility weed)

2005 – Winter freeze out of pasture (about half of available)
Dry year, hot year; first year really seeing lots of earthworms


- 1000lbs/acre gypsum

- 200lbs/acre of organic fertilizer w/micros

- 1-2 tons/acre of leaf compost

- much grazing credit


- 500 bales of hay, rest grazed

- 33 finishing stock, 44 young stock, 500 chickens


- Lambsquarter

- Canadian Thistle

2006: The Perfect Year: Sunny, 70 & an Inch of rain a week
Fantastic soil building year, fortunate with the stock we had (lots)


- 100% grazed, 44 finished, 20 young stock, 750 chicken

- Estimated 6 tons/acre yield (3.5tons/acre county average, with fertilizer)


- 150 lbs/acre organic 0-2-5 fertilizer applied after first graze

- 150 lbs/acre organic 0-2-7 fertilizer applied after 2nd graze

- 150 lbs/acre organic 0-1-24 fertilizer applied late august

- 1000lbs/acre gypsum mid-summer

- 2-4 tons/acre enhanced leaf compost spread (added 50 tons chicken manure+12 tons gypsum

- Tremendous grazing pressure


- Lambsquarter (minimal)

- Canadian Thistle (minimal)

- I could count on all my fingers and toes the dandelions in the field

2007: Dry year, lots of animals; brought in 20-30 days of green chop to supplement


- 100% grazed, 36 finished (big ones), 19 young steers, 17 heifers, 4 cows (1/2 season), 40 pigs, 750 chickens, 200 hens

- Estimated 4+ tons/acre yield. It was dry, it kept a’ comin, 7 acres of forage chain did very very well


- 200lbs/acre organic blend with micro’s

- 2-4 tons of leaf compost spread over 2-3 applications

- Lots of grazing pressure


- Not a whole lot, really. Thistles pretty well licked, no real weed problems

2008 Plan


- 100lbs/acre micro mix after 1st crop

- 2 tons/acre or so of leaf compost

- 750lbs/acre or so of Organical

- 150lbs/acre hay fertilizer blend mid-summer

- play it by ear; felt I under fertilized in 2007 for conditions


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Guest Borrowing from Steenbock library

FREE for us MATC students -- procedure on the above page. NOT the $30.

Steenbock is a WONDERFUL library, if you have some time, spend an afternoon there.


Thursday, February 21, 2008

Cover Crops



  • Smother/control weeds

  • Enhance soil health

  • Prevent soil erosion

  • Conserve soil moisture

  • Provide additional crops/options (animal feed? Hay?)

  • Provide nutrients to crops

  • Insect/disease control

Cover Crops for Wisconsin

  • Cereal Rye

  • Oats/blends

  • Legumes (clovers, alfalfas, vetches, cowpeas)

  • Grasses

  • Others – buckwheat, sorghum sudan, corn


  • Cost

  • Timing/labor/equipment

  • Moisture? (take what’s there, germinate?)

  • Going to seed? (a weed problem in itself)

Types of Cover Crop implementations

  • Interseeded; with other crop, after other crop planted

  • Alone/dedicated/between crops

  • Soil building

  • Overwintering


  • Rates: For what purpose?

  • Drill/grass seeder

  • Broadcast spreader

  • Seeds tend to be smaller, shallowly planted. Need good firm seedbed

  • Rye or oats: Think about them germinating and they do. Especially Rye


“If nothing is growing, you’re not pulling anything in”

“Sometimes they don’t work. No reason not to keep working with them”

“Sometimes weeds are a cover crop”

“The soil is a stomach: Succulent or fiberous?”

“EQIP Program will pay you $18/year to plant covers”

“What seeds to you have left? Experimen!”

“Most of the popular articles you’ll read on cover crops are a) old, recycled b) performed by people that don’t get it c) using mismatched goals with execution”

“Confound your neighbors. Till up a perfectly good looking crop!!”

Friday, February 8, 2008

The WSJ Op-Ed piece we discussed....

Future Farmer

January 31, 2008

History records that previous commodity booms were not followed by mass starvation, resource wars and the end of civilization. John Atkin is out to make sure it doesn't happen again.

An agricultural zoologist by training, he serves as chief operating officer for crop protection at Switzerland's Syngenta, a competitor to the U.S. giant Monsanto in the controversial business of agricultural technology.

Of the recent surge in prices for all manner of foodstuffs, he says don't blame biofuels. Coffee and frozen orange juice are up, and they don't go into your gas tank or compete for land with ethanol-related crops. Iron ore, copper and most nonfarm commodities are up too. And whatever the errors of Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke, the biggest factor may be a simple failure of optimism about the global economy. Every CEO's mental map now includes India and China, yet somehow the whole spectrum of natural resources producers failed to invest sufficiently to meet the demand of several hundred million new consumers.

Mr. Atkin cites a United Nations forecast that, by 2030, food production will have to increase 50%, partly to feed a bigger world population and partly to supply the richer, more varied diets demanded by the newly affluent of the developing world.

"Agriculture can respond to this," he says. "Absolutely it can respond to this."

He also says: "Organic farming is not the solution." Technology is.

Only Brazil offers sizable acreage of uncultivated lands, in its scrubby central and western provinces. Transportation costs were once prohibitive, but with high crop prices, enterprising farmers are bringing virgin lands under the tractor. Who's financing these sodbusters? "We're financing them," says Mr. Atkin, slightly astonished by his own answer. Seed and agrochemical suppliers have been letting their receivables go unpaid 200 or 300 days, serving effectively as banks.

Also making a contribution will be Russia and Ukraine, where modern techniques will dramatically improve productivity. But the heaviest lifting will be done by technology. Syngenta, based in Basel, is carving out a different approach than Monsanto, involving chemistry as much as gene technology, and working particularly closely with farmers to adapt its formulas to local conditions.

Take its forthcoming Invinsa, marketed in a joint venture with developer Rohm and Haas. It's a spray that inhibits a plant's normal reaction to modest drought conditions. Plants overreact to dry weather -- they stop growing and turn yellow as a defensive measure, thanks to the natural plant hormone ethylene. By blocking ethylene, Invinsa allows plants to remain robust and ready to respond when moisture returns. (The same stuff keeps supermarket apples bright and crunchy.)

On biofuels, Mr. Atkin doesn't doubt that cellulosic ethanol, made from agricultural waste and weeds, will one day make a cost-effective and climate-friendly contribution to transportation fuels. In the meantime, however, Washington is keen to shovel protectionism and subsidies at corn ethanol, which is neither cost-effective nor climate friendly, so Syngenta is working up a genetically modified corn that already contains a key enzyme additive, cutting a step from the ethanol manufacturing process.

But a headache looms: The company may have to endure the costly rigmarole of registering the trait in the world's major markets, given the risk of trace amounts of the genetically modified corn finding their way into crop shipments for human consumption. Haunting the industry is 2000's "StarLink" debacle. Tiny amounts of a corn approved only for animal feed and ethanol turned up in tacos, corndogs and other packaged foods, leading to costly recalls. Subsequent testing confirmed what experts knew all along -- that the corn posed virtually zero risk to human beings.

Mr. Atkin admits to "frustration" (a word that pops out several times) with respect to his fellow Europeans' finicky attitude toward gene technology, the U.S.'s steep tariffs on ethanol imports, and the rich world's general disregard for the "minor miracle" of cheap, abundant, healthy food.

"Freer trade and an open door to technology" -- that's what's industry needs from government to meet the world's food demand. Alas, he sees France moving in the wrong direction, even under the supposedly modern Nicolas Sarkozy, with a ban on testing of genetically modified plants. The U.S., he adds, is the "gold standard" in welcoming innovation and evaluating products strictly on the basis of science. We could do better, however, on trade. One of Syngenta's promising products is a hardy sugar beet that could turn countries like India into exporters of motor fuel.

Syngenta was born in 1999, ironically, from the unwanted agrochemical divisions of drug makers AstraZeneca and Novartis. Markets were flat or shrinking at the time for crop protection products. Gerber, Heinz, Frito-Lay and others were swearing off genetically modified ingredients. But the world has woken up in the past 12 months. Now if Syngenta could just get its prices up. In ordinary times, Mr. Atkin says, two-thirds of the payoff from new technology ends up in the pockets of farmers. In the current boom, that ratio has only shifted further in the farmer's favor. Your customers getting rich is not the worst problem to have. Bottom line: It's a good time to be an ag-science company, and even a better time to be a farmer.

Some additional links from last nights class

More on American History of Agriculture:

Guns, Germs and Steel -- by Jared Diamond. Available as a book, audio, and a wonderful PBS series on DVD. They are available from the Dane County area library system (and what a wonderful system that is). He does have a website as well --

From a prior class -- Documents of Paul Dietmann, our speaker a couple weeks ago:

UW Madison, Steenbock Ag library:
They have a wonderful selection of the "old" books we talked about in class. You can get a card to check out books there; I've found their "Ask Steenbock" online chat is really wonderful.

I hope everyone enjoyed last night's session as much as I did! -- Scott

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Questions from Organic History

Who is considered the founder of the Organic movement?

Who came up with and what is the Law of the Minimum?

Who came up with and what is the Law of Return?

What major areas did Howard write about?

How did Howard’s and Liebig’s ideas on nutrients differ?

Liebig focused attention on ______________ to the neglect of ______________ and


Who was the first to use the word “organic” for this system of Agriculture?

What was his definition of organic?

What was the major argument of university experts as to why organic was a “myth” a “cult” and “Bunkum”?

What two conflicting cultural phenomenons in the 1960’s defined each side of the agricultural debate?

What events gave hope, then dashed it, to a 1980’s momentum for organic agriculture?

What event started the modern organic era in 1990?

When did USDA Organic become law, and what did it accomplish?